Other sources of support and information in Harrow

On this page you can find both local and national resources that can give you advice and information on various topics that relate to keeping safe and well.

Harrow Specific Services & Organisations

Harrow Council

Information about welfare benefits, Council Tax Support, sources of help and the Council’s Emergency Relief Fund:

Care Place

This directory contains thousands of services in London, including many health & social care services in Harrow. It also contains a wealth of information and guidance on how to sources local services and pay for them.

Healthwatch Harrow

Healthwatch Harrow aims to collect local voices to influence the delivery and design of local services; not just for people who use them now, but also anyone who might need to use them in the future. It also has a role to coordinate with information services and provide access to information about local health & social care services. The above link is to a page of useful contacts.

Mind In Harrow Online Directory

Over 100 Harrow wellbeing services listed, including counselling/therapy, specialist NHS services, minority ethnic community organisations, support for carers, benefits & housing and self-help groups. Over 20 Harrow factsheets on topics such as schizophrenia, sleeping problems, self-harm and depression. Also, if you can’t find what you are seeking in Harrow, the directory has over 100 regional or national organisations which may be able to help.

Alzheimer’s Society (Harrow & Hillingdon)

Information about the Harrow & Hillingdon service and about Dementia (eg symptoms & diagnosis, caring for someone with dementia)

National Services and Organisations

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

CQC monitor, inspect and regulate services that provide health and social care.
Search their directory on the above link for these services inspected:

  • Treatment, care and support provided by hospitals, GPs dentists, ambulances and mental health services.
  • Treatment, care and support services for adults in care homes and in people’s own homes (both personal and nursing care).
  • Services for people whose rights are restricted under the Mental Health Act.

NHS Choices Care Act 2014 Information

NHS Choices (www.nhs.uk) is the UK’s biggest health website. It provides a comprehensive health information service to help put you in control of your healthcare. The website helps you make choices about your health, from decisions about your lifestyle, such as smoking, drinking and exercise, to finding and using NHS services in England, including GP services in Harrow.

Money Advice Service

Free & impartial money advice service, set up by government. This service provides:

  • Advice and guides to help improve your finances
  • Tools and calculators to help you keep track and plan ahead
  • Support in person, over the phone and online

Advice about choosing a financial adviser and links to directories of financial advisers