Hospital Discharge Service

A range of discharge services are offered with the aim of reducing hospital stays; reducing admittance; and readmittance; and supporting regular attenders of Accident & Emergency and Urgent Treatment Centre services access community-based services. 

Who is supported?

  • People 60 plus
  • Carers supporting those being discharged

Reactive Discharge and Support Services Provided:

  • Support with discharge from A&E including transport and take home and settle, and appropriate follow up.
  • Support in A&E for individuals and carers attending A&E who would benefit from support while in A&E
  • Patients’ unpaid carers identified and supported.
  • Wider support of individual and carers on a long-term basis signposting to relevant Third sector organisations.

Expected Outcomes

  • Reduction in delayed discharges
  • Reduced hospital stays
  • Reduced hospital re-admissions
  • Improved patient satisfaction
  • Improved Unpaid Carer wellbeing, enabling them to support patients better

Delivery Partners